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drama, comedy

1080p (HD)

Director(s): Robbie Taylor Hunt

Writer(s): Rosanna Suppa, Robbie Taylor Hunt

Cast: Ioanna Kinbrook, Joseph Akubeze, Matilda Wickham, Willy Hudson, Yasmin Jafri, Emily Layton, Katherine Laheen, Max Percy, Sarah Livinstone, Ellen Robertson, Roisin Keogh, Rosanne Suppa, Kitty Croft, Robbie Taylor Hunt

Spoken in English

Subtitles in no subtitles



Genre: drama,comedy, babies,queer people of colour, lesbian storyline,gay storyline

Availability: globally

Brood is a comedy web series about queers and babies. Claire faces an unexpected decision when her straight mate asks if she still wants his sperm.

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