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A Welcome Stranger (alternative title)

Director(s): Lee Haven Jones
Writer(s): Roger Williams
Cast: Jamie Andrew Cutler, Alan Turkington
Spoken in English
Subtitles in English
Genre: drama, male nudity, gay storyline
Availability: globally
An intruder breaks into a modern and luxurious home. He wants it. As he samples the lifestyle his senses are heightened.
An intruder breaks into a modern and luxurious home. He wants it. As he samples the lifestyle his senses are heightened. When the owner of the house returns unexpectedly, the tables are turned, and the intruder finds himself naked and powerless. A film about passion, longing and desire in all its forms.
This short film is part of the series "Boys On Film". The other movies are available for a fee at https://vimeo.com/ondemand/boysonfilm14