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drama, romance

1080p (HD)

Director(s): Alicya Eyo (as Alicia Eyo), Sophy Holland

Writer(s): Jake Graf

Cast: Jake Graf, Harry Rundle, Mike Aherne, Alicya Eyo

Spoken in English

Subtitles in no subtitles



Genre: drama,romance, strong language,violence, gender identity,trans storyline

Availability: globally

Do you ever really know who you're falling in love with?

Do you ever really know who you're falling in love with? After coming out and leaving his girlfriend, Adam dreams of finding acceptance within London's gay scene. His burgeoning freedom is soon challenged when he meets Rocky, a handsome stranger who is harbouring a secret that he desperately wants to share with Adam. As their bond strengthens and Rocky prepares to reveal his secret to Adam, their fledgling romance is ruptured by a cataclysmic event that forces the truth to come out in the most explosive manner. 

Warning!  Violent and Homophobic content.

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